The First Dreisbach Family Association
From The Dreisbach Book, 1998, pp. 39-40:
Ammon P. Dreisbach
The original Dreisbach Family Association was conceived at a funeral in eastern Pennsylvania. The idea came to Ammon P. Dreisbach, grandson of Henry, who later wrote that at the funeral he "was introduced to some persons whom he had never met before, and re-introduced to others whom he happened to meet only upon such sad occasions. The thought occurred to him, 'Why not meet under conditions where joy and happiness reign supreme and when the ties of kinship and friendship may be established and strengthened?' This in turn suggested the idea of a family reunion..." (from The Dreisbach Family Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, Oct. 1913, p. 7).
At the first reunion, held in Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1910, a family association was formed, with Ammon elected President. By the time of the fourth reunion in 1913, the gathering attracted more than 300 persons. It appears that descendants of the three principal eighteenth century forefathers were present: the Simon line predominated, for geographical reasons, but there were also descendants of the Martin line and the Bucks County Henry line in attendance.
The reunion authorized the members of the Executive Committee to produce a journal. The Dreisbach Family Journal appeared four times from October 1913 to July 1914 (Vol. 1) and one last time as a double issue in January 1915 (Vol. 2). The Journal disappeared, but the annual reunions continued, despite the First World War. Dreisbach reunions were held well into the 1920's, and one lasting result was the publication of the History and Genealogy of the Dreisbach Family (1924) and its Supplement (1927) by the Family Association's Historian, Laura M. Helman.
With the passing of the founding generation and the arrival of the Depression, the reunions ceased. In the following decades research into Dreisbach history was done mainly by individuals interested in their particular lines. Even the Wittgenstein origins were forgotten by some. More than one manuscript history of the Simon Dreisbach line mistakenly stated that Simon Sr. came from Oberndorf near Ratisbonne (Regensburg) in Bavaria!
As best as can be determined from Dreisbach Family Journal issues and from surviving Reunion Programs, the earliest Dreisbach Family Reunions occurred as follows (details only given for Reunions for which we have some information). As you can see, the agenda became lengthier and the program standardized as time went on:
Reunion #1 (See The "Why" of the Dreisbach Family Reunions)
3 September 1910
Central Park - Home of Rev. S. B. Stopp, Allentown, Lehigh Co, PA
It rained very hard, so everyone reconvened at Rev. Stopp's home.Present were:
Ammon P. Dreisbach, of Allentown
Frank S. Dreisbach, of Allentown
George D. Dreisbach, of Mauch Chunk
Charles Weitknecht, of Beersville
Mr. & Mrs. Mertz, of Mauch Chunk
and othersThe following officers were elected:
President: A. P. Dreisbach, Allentown
Vice Presidents: M. L. Dreisbach, Easton; John D. Weaver, New York City; and Mrs. Mary Reiff, Allentown
Secretary: Frank S. Dreisbach, Allentown
Asst. Sec'y: Laura M. Helman, Catasauqua
Historian: Rev. S. A. B. Stopp, Allentown
Treasurer: C. Wilson Dech, Allentown
Reunion #2
August 1911
Reunion #3
Reunion #4
August 1913
Central Park
Unanimous decision to publish The Dreisbach Family Journal
Reunion #5
29 August 1914
Waldheim Park near Allentown, PA
Dinner and Social Hour
John D. Weaver, New York City
Rev. John B. Stoudt
Poem by Rev. L. D. Lazarus:Honor the Dreisbach brigade,
Ne'er may their glory fade,
Nobly they've lived and well,
So let the chorus swell,
All, all together;
On their Reunion day
Let each one loudly say,
Honor the Dreisbach array--
'Dreisbach', 'Dreisbach', forever!
Dreisbach-Levan Annual Joint Reunion
5 August 1914
Klein's Grove, Rupert, PA
B. F. Dreisbach, President
Ammon P. Dreisbach, DFA Delegate to Reunion
Reunion #8
August 25, 1917
Dorney's Park near Allentown
Hymn: "America"
Invocation - Rev. L. D. Lazarus
The President's Address - A. P. Dreisbach
Reading of the Minutes - F. S. Dreisbach
Treasurer's Report - C. Wilson Dech
Memorial Service - L. F. Huthmacher
Soprano Solo - Martha Cassel
Address - George W. Gearhart
Recitation - Millie Naef
Election of Officers and Transaction of Business
Address - Chas. R. Roberts, Historian of the Lehigh Co. Historical Society
Greetings, Letters, Remarks, and Contributions of every sort, including the collection
Hymn - "God Be With You Till We Meet Again"
The Blessing - Rev. C. D. Huber
Reunion #11
Saturday, July 20, 1920
Dorney's Park
"An interesting Program of Exercises has been arranged to begin at 2 PM."
A. P. Dreisbach, President
Frank S. Dreisbach, Secretary
Reunion #12
Saturday, August 27, 1921
Dorney's Park
Singing - "America"
Invocation - Rev. Geo. W. Hangen
President's Address - A. P. Dreisbach
Reading of Minutes - F. S. Dreisbach
Treasurer's Report - C. Wilson Dech
Solo - Winifred Miller
Address - Charles Roberts
Election of Officers and Transaction of Business
Greetings, Letters, Remarks, etc.
Hymn - "Blest Be the Tie That Binds"
Mrs. Robert Leh at the piano
The Blessing - Rev. Hangen
REUNIONS ARE HELD BY FOUR FAMILIES: The twelfth annual reunion of the Driesbach family was held on Saturday at Dorney Park, near Allentown. It was the largest and most successful reunion in the history of the family. The following officers were elected for next year: President, A. P. Dreisbach, Allentown; vice presidents, M. L. Dreisbach, Easton; John W. Dreisbach, Allentown; Mrs. George Miller, Bethlehem; Mrs. Mary A. Reiff, Allentown; Lewis F. Huthmacher, Bethlehem; John D. Weaver, New York city; secretary, Frank S. Dreisbach, Allentown; assistant secretary, Miss Laura M. Helman, Catasauqua; treasurer, C. Wilson Dech, Allentown; historian, Miss Laura M. Helman, Catasauqua. --Bucks County Newspaper
Reunion #14
1923 (time of publication of Laura M. Helman's Dreisbach Family History)
President: Dr. A. O. Kisner, Bethlehem
Vice Presidents: Ammon P. Dreisbach, John W. Dreisbach, M. L. Dreisbach, Easton,
Mary A. Reiff, Lewis F. Huthmacher, John D. Weaver, New York,
Secretary: Frank Dreisbach
Asst. Secretary: Laura M. Helman
Treasurer: C. Wilson Dech
Historian: Laura M. Helman
Executive Committee: Milton H. Cole, Northampton, O. D. Knauss, Allentown, George W. Gearhart, Ashland, Edward E. Dreisbach, Easton
Reunion #16
July 18, 1925
Dr. A. F. Snyder read a paper about the land holdings of Simon, Yost, Adam and George Dreisbach.