Dreisbach Family Journal 1913 - 1915
Et majores vestros et posteros cogitate.
Think of your Forefathers! Think of your Posterity!
Every issue of the Dreisbach Family Journal proudly displayed a picture of the Schoss Wittgenstein on its cover.
This photograph was obtained for the DFA by William Dreisbach (son of Martin Dreisbach III).
For several years in the early part of the 20th century, enthusiastic Dreisbach descendants organized Dreisbach Family Reunions and published an informative and attractive chronicle of the family history. Although only a few editions went to press, they are cherished by contemporary family members. Rev. Luther D. Lazarus was the Editor and Manager during the life of the publication, but tendered his resignation in the last issue due to inadequate subscription revenue. The Dreisbach Family Journal was printed in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Vol. 1, No. 1 - October 1913 (click here for transcription)
Foreward: A New Departure
The Significance of Family Reunions - The Rev. J. W. Lazarus, Editor
The Name of Dreisbach - The Rev. Samuel A. Bridges Stopp, Historian of the DFA
Zion's (Stone) Church, Kreidersville, Pa.
The Castle of Wittgenstein - The Rev. Samuel A. Bridges Stopp
The "Why" of the Dreisbach Reunions - by Ammon P. Dreisbach, DFA President
Vol. 1, No. 2 - January 1914 (click here for transcription)
Editorial Comment - The Rev. J. W. Lazarus
In Memoriam - William Dreisbach - The Rev. Samuel A. Bridges Stopp
Proverbs and Sayings of the Pennsylvania Germans - from the Pennsylvania German Society
The Dreisbach Church - The Rev. Samuel A. Bridges Stopp
When the Dreisbachs Came - The Rev. Samuel A. Bridges Stopp
Vol. 1, No. 3 - April 1914 (Click here for transcription)
An Age of Autographs - The Rev. Samuel A. Bridges Stopp
A Valuable Contribution to Colonial Church History - The Rev. John Baer Stoudt
A Valuable Contribution to Colonial Church History - The Rev. John Baer Stoudt
The Letter and References - translation originally by Rev. W. J. Hincke, Ph.D., D.D.
Biographical Sketches
Proverbs and Sayings of the Pennsylvania Germans (concluded)
Riddles - from the files of The Pennsylvania German
The Annual Reunion
Vol. 1, No. 4 - July 1914
(Searching for this issue to transcribe.)
The Dreisbach Family Reunion
Sketch of the Life of Major General Baron von Steuben - Mrs. Mary Alice Uhler Reiff
The Dreisbachs in Colonial America - The Rev. Samuel A. Bridges Stopp
The Dreisbach-Levan Reunion
Vol. 2, No 1 & 2 - October 1914 & January 1915
The John Dreisbach Number
(Searching for this issue to transcribe.)
A Journey Across the Plains - Abraham Helman
The Life of John Dreisbach - The Rt. Rev. Thomas Bowman, D.D.
The Conference Seal - as described by the Reverend John Dreisbach
The Hymns of John Dreisbach - The Rev. Samuel A. Bridges Stopp
The Reunion
Editorial- The Rev. J. W. Lazarus (his resignation)
An Old Pewter Communion Service