Ebenezer Evangelical Church - Circleville, Ohio
Pickaway Township, Pickaway County (near Hayesville)
History of Pickaway County and Representative Citizens, 1906, Hon. Aaron R. Van Cleaf, pg. 162:
“Ebenezer Church of the Evangelical Association stands about half a mile east of Hayesville, near the center of the township. The class was formed by Rev. John Dreisbach in 1835, the first members being Rev. John Dreisbach and wife, Thomas Kraft and wife, Adam Boyer and wife, and John Kraft and wife. Abraham Dreisbach, who subsequently became minister of the church, and Isaac E., Catherine and Sophia Dreisbach and Mrs. Eliza Steely were also early members, uniting soon after the organization was effected. The first meetings were held at the dwellings of the members and afterwards in a log schoolhouse. Subsequently the society used the frame schoolhouse, which replaced the log one, until the erection of their present church in the summer of 1850.
Rev. John Dreisbach, who lived on the farm where the church is located and whose remains lie beside those of his wife [his 2nd wife, Fanny Eyer] in the adjoining cemetery, gave the ground for the church and cemetery, and the sum of $1,000 toward the building of the church. The church is especially historic to the members of the Evangelical Association from the fact that Mr. Dreisbach was one of the founders of the association which was first known as the Albright Church, being a co-worker with Bishop Albright. The church building cost $903.61 to erect. It was dedicated December 22, 1850, by Bishop Joseph Long and Presiding Elder J. G. Zinser. The outside of the building has never been structurally changed, but the interior has been remodeled several times.
Rev. John Dreisbach preached for the class for a few years, until the regular circuit preachers were appointed. John Heisler was class leader until 1840, when Isaac E. Dreisbach, son of Rev. John Dreisbach and father of the present Sunday-school superintendent, B. F. Dreisbach, was appointed. Isaac E. Dreisbach continued as leader until his death in 1897 — a period of 57 years. The church has a present membership of 50. Rev. G. W. Miesse, of Stoutsville, is pastor. The church building, although over 50 years old, has received such good care that it is still in excellent condition, being worth about $2,000 at this time. The sexton’s house adjoining the church is valued at $600. B. F. Dreisbach has served as Sunday-school superintendent for the past 34 years.”
History and Genealogy of the Dreisbach Family - Laura M. Helman, pg. 28-29:
“The REV . JOHN DREISBACH was the grandson of Martin Dreisbach (1717-1799), the immigrant, and the son of Martin Dreisbach, 2d, and wife Sabina Frederica Books. He was born on June 5, 1789 , and died on August 20, 1871. He was converted under the preaching of Jacob Albright in 1806, and in 1807 entered the active service of the ministry in the Evangelical Church. In 1814 he was elected the first presiding elder of the Evangelical Association. In 1827-28 and in 1828-29 he served as a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature for the district composed of Union, Northumberland and Columbia Counties. His colleague was the Hon. Middleworth, who in his day was a man of distinction. In 1831, Rev. John Dreisbach moved from Buffalo Valley, Pa., to Pickaway County, Ohio. Owing to ill health, he was obliged to give up much active work in the church, but for a half century he was one of her strongest pillars.”
The Rev. John Dreisbach was married first in 1811 to Catharine Eyre, [sic] a daughter of Abraham Eyre, Sr. She died on April 4, 1815, leaving two daughters, Salome Dreisbach and Elizabeth Dreisbach. The Rev. John Dreisbach married the second time, Fanny Eyre, sister of his first wife. To this union were born the following children 11 more children.
Rev. John Dreisbach
In 1899 the Ladies Society of the Ebenezer Evangelical Church published a business directory and cook book for sale. In 1900 the church celebrated its Golden Jubilee, with a large turnout. Regular services were discontinued around 1920. The church was in a good state of repair, but vandals broke into the church and destroyed pews and other furniture. The sexton’s house, which stood on the east side of the lot, was sold at public auction in 1920 and moved.
Ebenezer Church was torn down in 1945 and all that remains now is the cemetery and a huge boulder with a plaque identifying the location of the original church. (Source: Pickaway Places: Ebenezer Church served Pickaway Township by Darlene Weaver)
Source: History of Franklin and Pickaway Counties, Ohio, Williams Bros., 1880, page 269:
The Evangelical Church
The class was formed by Rev. John Dreisbach, in the year 1835.The first members were the officiating clergyman and his wife, Thomas F. Kraft and wife, Adam Boyer and wife, and John Kraft and wife.Abraham Dreisbach, who subsequently became a minister of the church, Isaac E., Catharine and Sophia Dreisbach, and Mrs. Eliza Steeley, were also early members, uniting soon after the organization was effected.The first meetings were held at the dwelllings of the members, and afterwards in the log school-house, which stood where the frame school-house now stands, near the church.After the frame school-house was built, the society occupied it until the erection of their present church, in the summer of 1850.The building cost nine hundred and three dollars and sixty-one cents. It was dedicated December 22, 1850, by Bishop Joseph Long and presiding elder J. G. Zinser. Rev. Mr. Dreisbach preached for the class for a few years, and until the regular circuit preachers were appointed. John Heisler was leader of the class until 1840, when Isaac E. Dreisbach was appointed, and has continued its efficient head until the present. The membership is now thirty-six. The preachers are C. M. Reinehold and A. Evans. A Sabbath-school was organized soon after the church came into being, and has continued through every summer since. Isaac E. Dreisbach is its present superintendent.