Mini Gatherings
The D/DFA encourages you to get together in your many and various localities - in between our reunions. It can be as simple as dinner together at a restaurant, or as elaborate as you wish. The idea is to maintain and enlarge those "cousin connections" that we made at the reunion and through genealogy in general.
This is something a single individual can organize - it's not difficult.
1.) Start with a small group of people you know, your own family or other members of the D/DFA who live near you. Contact them to determine interest and available dates. Don't expect everyone to be available - pick the date that suits you and most people.
2.) Choose your activity. If it's a potluck at your house, that's fine. If it's dinner at a nearby restaurant, that's great. It could be a visit to a play or movie followed by a stop at a restaurant for coffee and dessert. Or it could be a visit to a local cemetery to help keep it clean. These and many other things would work fine.
3.) Let Marcia Falconer know the date, time and type of activity. Send her an email at:
She will publicize your mini-gathering via the D/DFA News.
4.) Enjoy, TAKE PHOTOS, and send a recap to Marcia to be included in the next mailing.
Sharon Driscoll organized the mini-gathering the weekend of June 9, 10 and 11, 2017.
It had something for everyone. On Friday there was a course in cleaning and repairing tombstones given by Gravestone Guardians of Ohio, a member of Cemetery Conservators for United Standards. Saturday saw a potluck picnic at Hocking Hills State Park with superb food and a marvelous place for kids to explore. Sunday morning the group attended a church service at the old Dresbach Church on Tarleton Road. The weather was superb and the weekend brought together people of all ages and interests. Besides the fun and socializing, a number of old tombstones belonging to Dresbachs (and others) were cleaned of moss and lichen, a fallen tombstone was raised and others were patched and restored. Amazing work, properly done, which will benefit family and genalogists for many years to come. Everyone agreed it was an amazing weekend. Thank you Sharon!
Tod Dresback helps to wrestle a tombstone into place.
Dresbach tombstones at Hallsville Cemetery were cleaned with water and D2 cleaner.
DFA Picnic at Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio. On Saturday, June 10, 2017, Sharon Driscoll organized a DFA pot-luck picnic in the beautiful Hocking Hills State Park. Sharon supplied all the basics and drinks, those attending brought all sorts of wonderful food. The weather was beautiful, the kids had a great time in the park and all agreed we should do this more often!
Kurt and Sharon Driscoll pose next to a leveled stone.
Dinner Gathering
A D/DFA Mini Gathering was held on Thursday, December 22nd at Bob Evan's Restaurant in Chillicothe, Ohio. Organized by Matt Dresbach and Bob Kendrick, 15 people attended. After enjoying good food and good company at the restaurant, they went to the hotel room of the Kendricks to enjoy 5 different kinds of cookies plus a pound cake! Everyone agreed it was good to get together again. Many people had not seen each other since the reunion in June 2016. Let's do it again!
Left to right: Ken Warman, Melanie Dresbach Warman, Cathy Dresbach and her husband Terry Dresbach, Olivia Dresbach (wife of Matt Dresbach), Tod Dresback, Bethany Dresback at the end of the table (daughter of Tod and Wanda), Wanda Dresback, Betsy Dresbach DeLong, Matt Dresback, Bob Kendrick, Patti Kendrick, Jennifer Dresbach (her husband, John, took the photo).